No cards, no luck, out of the WSOP seniors. Will try my last bullet at the Nugget seniors tomorrow. Then home Saturday or Sunday. Had a nice lunch at Cafe Americano then on to Spinetti's Gambling Store to see if they might be interested in the balance of my Josephine sets. They weren't. Oscar was kind enough to give me a ride back to the Fremont where I am relaxing till dinner. Got an Email from an old customer who I haven' thought of in ages. Always nice to hear from people I have dealt with or known in the past. Anyway over and out for now. Stay tuned!
Thursday, June 22, 2023
Wednesday, June 21, 2023
It's been an interesting day. I got knocked out of the WSOP Seniors early with a pair of Queens. That was the best hand I had seen in three hours. I lost to a flopped flush. I then went back to the Nugget and played in their 1 O'Clock 25K guarantee where I was also card dead and ended up out fairly early. As I was sitting outside the playing area a young man (Everyone is a young man) tapped me on the shoulder out of the blue and said that he wanted me to know that he thought I was the best player at the table. Well, that brightened up my whole day.
My friend Jason texted me that he was trying to get dinner reservations at the Carbone in the Aria. I suggested that if that didn't work to try Nabu. We ended up with 4 for dinner that included Jason, myself, Kevin and Wayne. Had a really good meal, great conversation and Wayne graciously picked up the check. Before dinner I signed up to enter the seniors B flight tomorrow. Hopefully the cards will run my way a little. Stay tuned!!
A slow boring day. Waffle at the Nugget for breakfast then the One O'clock daily deep stack. I struggled through the re-buy period but got knocked out when a player flopped the nut flush.
Got back to the room just in time to sign up for NuJax Poker Stars Omaha 8 or better home game and finished 2nd. Now time for a good nights sleep and the big seniors tournament at the WSOP tomorrow at 10:00. Stay tuned!
Monday, June 19, 2023
It did not go well in the Mystery Bounty. Why, ask me why!! I made a very stupid play because I went brain dead. Min cashed.

Boring day today. Walked over to Walgreens then to the "D" for a breakfast of way over priced Eggs Benedict. Then back to the Freemont for a relaxing day of watching the U.S. Open and playing a little poker on line. At 6:00 I decided to play in NuGuys Omaha 8 or better tournament on line. I was down to my last few big blinds but managed to pull some decent cards and ended up winning the tourney.
I headed over to the Nugget for what I thought was going to be a nice dinner at the Red but they informed me they were out of food. That's right OUT of FUCKING FOOD. What a joke. I went to Vic & Anthonys's and had a great meal of steak tartar, Caesar salad and roast quail. Lovely. Tomorrow at noon is the re-start of the mystery bounty. Stay tuned.
Saturday, June 17, 2023
My friend David picked me up at the Freemont and we drove over to the Orleans to sign up for the 11 O'clock seniors tournament. The tournament had 30K starting stack and at $1200 ante, $1200 big blind and $600 small blind I had chipped up to around $55K. In the small blind a flopped the nut straight and bet it quite heavily while the big blind kept calling. He managed to burn me with a runner, runner flush and I went to Al's Oyster Bar to drown my sorrows in a PO BOY Shrimp sandwich.
Lyfted back to the Nugget to see how my friend Ninja was doing and the to my room at the Fremont. Now just relaxing, eating jelly beans and watching the U.S. Open. Don't know yet what I will do tomorrow. Stay tuned!!!!
"What a day this has been what a rare mood I'm in". Yes indeed it's been a good day and night. Played the 1st flight of the Nugget's 250K guarantee Mystery Bounty but got knocked out so tried the the 2nd flight and ended up bagging 115K. What that means is that I am in the money and will return on Monday at noon for day 2. What does a mystery bounty mean? It means for every player I eliminate from the tournament I get a mystery bounty that can range from $300 - 25K. On the final hand before bagging I lost 91K with AK vs. 10's. Don't know what I am going to do this weekend but Stay Tuned!