Sunday, September 3, 2017


                                                                  100 Years

The North American Federation announces plans to evacuate those citizens who wish to go to planet Kepler-452b, 1,400 light years away beginning on Jan. 1st, 2118. A hundred years ago technology would allow travel time to be 1,500 years. Modern technology has cut that time to 15 years and The North American Federation has developed a fleet of one thousand space craft capable of sustaining two thousand people each for a period of 19 years.
Families who desire to go and whose ages are all under 40 years will be eligible for a lottery beginning on Sept. 4th. The price will be one million Bit Coin.  

The North American Federation was founded in 2019 after President Donald Trump was impeached for treason. It was discovered that President Trump and President Vladimir Putin of Russia were going to have the Army forcibly disband Congress and the Supreme Court, then declare themselves supreme joint rulers of the two countries. They would then conquer China then the rest of the world. Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama joined forces and convinced Mexico and Canada that this was not a good idea and a new constitution was written combining the three countries into one. President Trump was executed on July 4th, 2021 for treason and his entire family exiled from the Federation. 

Global warming was finally considered to be a serious threat to the survival of the planet but whatever steps could be taken to reverse the process were determined to be too little too late. Richard Branson, along with Boeing, was given the daunting task of building a fleet of space craft using newly discovered electromagnetic technology that would be capable of taking people to a new earth like planet. 

Gasoline powered engines became obsolete in 2075 as fossil fuel ran out and no new oil deposits were found. All engines were powered by electricity supplied by nuclear power plants. Unfortunately sloppy maintenance caused several of these facilities to blow up contaminating large parts of the planet. The United Nations, largely ineffective for years, could not agree on nuclear power plant restrictions and disbanded. It was every country for itself. 

Food became critical for several reasons. Overuse of the land without renewing. Pollution of the atmosphere producing widespread global warming causing wide fluctuations in the weather and radiation spread by the winds from nuclear plant fallout. In addition, the Earth in 2075 was overpopulated and simply could not feed all it's inhabitants. No country was willing to go back to China's one child per family policy.

All of these problems caused a gradual rise in a reign of anarchy. Police, National Guard and the Army lost control and citizens were forced to arm themselves for protection against thieves and looters. The stock market was no longer viable and the only safe currencies were precious metals, gems and Bit Coin. 

Great strides have been made in medicine and the average age of death could now be 120 years with under ideal conditions.  Because of an insufficient food supply, radiation poisoning, over crowded and under staffed hospitals and drug companies charging outrageous prices for even the most common drugs like aspirin the average age of death is even lower than it was in 2017.  

Present Day

I hope I'm wrong and that 100 years from now the world will be a better place. Countries and people will understand that to survive mutual respect and understanding are necessary. Working together to survive. I leave all these problems we have created to my children and grand children. I'm sorry.

Larry Lubliner
AKA TheBadJoker