Saturday, June 1, 2019

JUNE 1st, 2019

                    W.S.O.P SUMMER CAMP BEGINS

I'm leaving on a jet plane don't know when I'll be back again. Jean drove me out to O'Hare in time to catch my $60 dollar flight on American that left at almost exactly it's 2:32 PM departure time. Arrived in Las Vegas about 4:00 PM PDT and took a cab to the 4 Queens my hotel of choice at $60 a night. It is located right next to the Golden Nugget where I will be playing quite a few tournaments. 

Settled in but they did not have a room with two beds (I will have a room mate for a few days) so I will have to move tomorrow to a two bed room. Took a LYFT over to the Rio (site of all the WSOP tournaments) and had a difficult time locating the "Fastrack" check in that wasn't so fast. Finally got my printouts and seat assignments for the D flight of the "BIG 50" (It is the 50th year anniversary of the WSOP), the Seniors and the Super Seniors. I will begin tomorrow at 10:00 AM in the Big 50. Seat assignment Pavilion Black, table 207, seat 1. If any of my friends or RealGrinders are around stop by and say hi. 

In my hotel room writing this blog, will read for awhile then get a good nights sleep hoping that tomorrow will be a long day. 


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